Herbaceous perennials are plants that come back year after year. Perennials - particularly the cottage garden favourites - are what you will find most of at Bridge Farm Plants, the majority grown at Suffolk nursery Katie's Garden Plant Centre.
We have young plants in 1 litre pots for those on a budget, priced £3.29 - £3.99, as well as a huge selection of more established plants in 2 or 3 litre pots: most priced £4.99 - £6.99.
Among our extensive range are hardy Geraniums, hardy Fuchsias, Lupins, Penstemon, a wide choice of Salvia (sage family - including 'Hot Lips'), Verbenas (including the ever-popular ‘bonariensis’), Delphiniums, Hemerocallis (day lily) and Erysimum (shrubby wallflower).
We have young plants in 1 litre pots for those on a budget, priced £3.29 - £3.99, as well as a huge selection of more established plants in 2 or 3 litre pots: most priced £4.99 - £6.99.
Among our extensive range are hardy Geraniums, hardy Fuchsias, Lupins, Penstemon, a wide choice of Salvia (sage family - including 'Hot Lips'), Verbenas (including the ever-popular ‘bonariensis’), Delphiniums, Hemerocallis (day lily) and Erysimum (shrubby wallflower).
For a taste of the varieties you might find, click to open the files. Please note stock availability changes rapidly!
We usually get fresh deliveries from Katie's Garden on Thursdays and occasionally at weekends. If you don't see what you want, please ask: we can probably get hold of it! |
Most of our perennials can be grown on sandy, light or poor soils and a good number are drought tolerant; among those that should do particularly well are Achillea (yarrow), Agastache, Aquilegia (columbine/Granny’s bonnet), Artemesia, Centranthus (valerian), Dianthus (pinks), Eryngium (sea holly), Euphorbia, Gallardia, Gypsophilia, Lychnis, Oenothera (evening primrose), Salvia, Sedum and Verbascum.
Plants for shadier spots include Ajuga (bugle), Alchemilla (lady's mantle), Astilbe, Bergenia, Brunnera, Dicentra (bleeding heart), Digitalis (foxglove), Hosta, Heuchera, Lamium, Polemonium (Jacob’s ladder), Pulmonaria, Tricyrtis (Toad Lily) and Vinca (periwinkle).
Plants for shadier spots include Ajuga (bugle), Alchemilla (lady's mantle), Astilbe, Bergenia, Brunnera, Dicentra (bleeding heart), Digitalis (foxglove), Hosta, Heuchera, Lamium, Polemonium (Jacob’s ladder), Pulmonaria, Tricyrtis (Toad Lily) and Vinca (periwinkle).
Through the season we also grow and sell Acanthus (Bear's Breeches), Aconitum, Agapanthus (African lily), Alcea (hollyhock), Alstromeria, Anaphalis, Anemone, Anthemis, Aruncus, Asphodeline, Aster, Astrantia, Berkhaya ...
... several species of Campanula (bellflower), Centaurea (cornflower), Ceratostigma (plumbago), Coreopsis, Crocosmia (including the bright red ‘Lucifer’), Cynara (cardoon) Dahlia, Doronicum, Echincea (coneflower), Echinops (globe thistle), Erigeron, Francoa ...
... Gaura (whirling butterfly), Gaillardia, Galega, Geum, Gypsophilia, Helenium, Helianthemum, Helianthus, Hellebore, Iris, Kalimeris, Knautia, Kniphofia (red hot poker), Leucanthemum (Chrysanthemum family), Liatris, Linaria, Lobelia, Lysimachia, Lythrum ...
...Macleaya, Malva, Mimulus, Monarda (bergamot), Moraea, Nepeta (catmint), Parahebe, Papaver (poppy), Persicaria, Perovskia (Russian sage), Phlomis, Phlox, Potentilla, Primula auricula, Phygelius (cape fuchsia), Physostegia, Rudbeckia ...
... Sanguisorba, Santolina, Scabiosa, Schizostylus (Kaffir lily), Scutellaria, Sisyrinchium, Stachys, Symphyandra, Tanacetum (tansy), Tellima, Teucrium, Thalictrum, Tradescantia, Trifolium (clover), Veronica, Veronicastrum, Waldsteinia and more!
... several species of Campanula (bellflower), Centaurea (cornflower), Ceratostigma (plumbago), Coreopsis, Crocosmia (including the bright red ‘Lucifer’), Cynara (cardoon) Dahlia, Doronicum, Echincea (coneflower), Echinops (globe thistle), Erigeron, Francoa ...
... Gaura (whirling butterfly), Gaillardia, Galega, Geum, Gypsophilia, Helenium, Helianthemum, Helianthus, Hellebore, Iris, Kalimeris, Knautia, Kniphofia (red hot poker), Leucanthemum (Chrysanthemum family), Liatris, Linaria, Lobelia, Lysimachia, Lythrum ...
...Macleaya, Malva, Mimulus, Monarda (bergamot), Moraea, Nepeta (catmint), Parahebe, Papaver (poppy), Persicaria, Perovskia (Russian sage), Phlomis, Phlox, Potentilla, Primula auricula, Phygelius (cape fuchsia), Physostegia, Rudbeckia ...
... Sanguisorba, Santolina, Scabiosa, Schizostylus (Kaffir lily), Scutellaria, Sisyrinchium, Stachys, Symphyandra, Tanacetum (tansy), Tellima, Teucrium, Thalictrum, Tradescantia, Trifolium (clover), Veronica, Veronicastrum, Waldsteinia and more!
This list is by no means exhaustive – to see our full range you will have to come and visit us! Please also bear in mind that not all plants will be in stock at any one time –if there is a variety you particularly want, please phone or email to check beforehand.